All-In-One Road Sign - US - R2 Series Speed Limit Collection.
(8 Different Signs) Revit Families (.rfa, .rvt)
Features:2 Pole Types with Adjustable Height and Sign Brackets,Sign - MUTCD_R6-1L - One Way,Sign - MUTCD_R6-1R - One Way,Sign - MUTCD_R6-2L - One Way, Alternate,Sign - MUTCD_R6-2R - One Way, AlternateSign - MUTCD_R6-3 - Divided Highway Crossing,Sign - MUTCD_R6-3a - Divided Highway crossing T intersection,Sign - MUTCD_R6-4 - Chevron Roundabout Directional,Sign - Puerto_Rico_R6-1L - Transito (one way), Puerto Rico.
Textures:Revit 2016 Textures
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