If you don't use Unity, textures and materials are not connected to the FBX and left blank!
A set of hand painted textures in three seasons with a fantasy spin. Mobile friendly and PBR compatible.
• 3 seasons + 1 additional lava theme• 72 tiles• 54 tiles + 18 update tiles• 1K textures• Example scenes• custom specular shader for Unity 4 (deprecated)
Update v1.1:
• Now with a additional fantasy title theme + small, low poly vegetation and mushroom detail models• 18 tiles• 34 prefabs• 2K and up to 4k textures• 7 Unity terrains• New example scenes• PBR specular material library with new specular textures and roughness maps• Post processing stack profiles• 3 grass mesh and terrain grass• One particle system• Updated textures and materials