This fireplace was on public outdoor display at Oberfields LLC construction company in Ohio. Although slightly modified from its original form of being attached to a tree bed, this photo-scanned model is extremely accurate to natural texturing and weather patterns present in a true, real-world landscape element.
The mesh has been cleanly retopologized into only 4k polygons. The baked texture* set includes 8k albedo, normal, and AO maps. There is an optional debris mesh in the main fire chamber (originally on site) with a separate 1k albedo map. It can be left on for an abandoned look, or removed and replaced with your own fire** model/simulation for an active look. Lastly, the Blender file includes a sub-collection of Night Lighting. All night lights share the same object information. SImply adjust Point.001 to your liking, and the other lights will match settings automatically.
*Textures have minor artifacts from the photoscanning process, but will not be visible for most practical applications.**Fire in example renders is not included