A high quality stylized assets to create your own Beautiful ''Low Poly Desert Egypt''environment!
Looks great in VR/AR and on mobile
Comes with Unity and Unreal projects + Source Files!
Low Poly Desert Egypt main features:• more than 40+ different models.• can achieve all sorts of different looks.• ready for low & high-end mobile devices.• ready for Oculus, Gear VR, HTC Vive, Daydream.• great for RPG, FPS & Top down games.• great for low poly & flat shaded look.• works great for different game genres.• Mobile Friendly Assets.
Low Poly Desert Egypt main contents:• more than 40+ different models - Rocks, Clouds, Mountains Pyramids, Bone, Camel, Terrains, Water, Trees.• materials can be changed to any colors, no textures added.• 19 Demo Scene Total(Unity and Unreal).
All Demo scenes with image effects turned off was tested on Galaxy Tab 4 and it runs smoothly at solid 60fps.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the assets, please contact me.
CONTACTSe-mail: polyarts3d@gmail.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/PolyArt3DSupport Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaaliUnit