Guerrero Mexico map region geography political geographic

Guerrero Mexico map region geography political geographic 3D model


The compressed package contains exported fbx.

For the rendering effect of this area, They all have very similar effects, please refer to:

If there is a country boundary line in the administrative district, If there is a disputed area, which is the line of actual control, please use it in the country where the administrative district is located and pay attention to inspection.

The map projection is Mercator.

Guerrero regions : The model is divided according to the administrative region of Guerrero. Each region is clearly separated so you can easily isolate it or change the colors. Names are also editable and separate.

Model made with maya2023.

Materials applied as seen on renders.

Scene is organized with all mesh named and Uv Unwrapped.

Planar UV mapped from above.

Directly below the map icon is the government location of the administrative district (not manually placed, but generated using a program based on latitude and longitude. The boundaries of the administrative district are also automatically generated by the program based on the administrative district).The administrative division and government location data were downloaded from OSM in 2023, but the data may not have been updated in 2023.The data in administrative regions is diverse and frequently changing, with potential omissions, errors, and inability to troubleshoot one by one. If your requirements are strict, you can check them yourself.

If the file uses a map, after opening the maya file, specify the map path yourself.

If there is a binding of place names, the binding details is as follows: The small curve circle below the 3D font can control the transformation of the 3D font and 3D map icon directly above (moving, rotating, scaling); 3D fonts and 3D map icons can be transformed independently. Except for the outermost large curve circle, all inner large curve circles control the overall transformation of different categories of 3D fonts and 3D map icons. The outermost curve circle controls the overall transformation of all objects.

This file retains historical records and does not collapse. The 3D font is easily adjusted.

If the extruded sweep polygonal faces are interspersed, you can press the 3 key in Maya to start smoothing, which can improve this situation. Alternatively, modify the parameters of the corresponding sweepMeshCreator node, such as changing the Interpolation Mode to Precision.

For UV snapshot, please refer to Preview images on this page.


Maya default renderer: arnold

The model material is blinn.

The arnold renderer is selected for installation by default when installing maya2023.

Guerrero, MexicoGuerrero, México.

Guerrero division:Mochitlán,Buenavista de Cuéllar,Tlacoachistlahuaca,Florencio Villarreal,Eduardo Neri,Atlixtac,Atenango del Río,Zirándaro,Tepecoacuilco de Trujano,San Miguel Totolapan,Coahuayutla de José María Izazaga,Igualapa,Técpan de Galeana,Tlacoapa,Huitzuco de los Figueroa,San Marcos,Cuetzala del Progreso,Huamuxtitlán,Iliatenco,Zapotitlán Tablas,Cutzamala de Pinzón,Marquelia,Coyuca de Benítez,Coyuca de Catalán,Ixcateopan de Cuauhtémoc,Malinaltepec,General Canuto A. Neri,Cochoapa el Grande,Ayutla de los Libres,Pedro Ascencio Alquisiras,Tlapehuala,Azoyú,Guerrero,José Joaquín de Herrera,Atlamajalcingo del Monte,Tecoanapa,Cuautepec,Tlalixtaquilla de Maldonado,Tlalchapa,Olinalá,Zitlala,Ajuchitlán del Progreso,Acapulco de Juárez,Pilcaya,Pungarabato,Xochihuehuetlán,Benito Juárez,Zihuatanejo de Azueta,Tetipac,Petatlán,Ahuacuotzingo,Copalillo,Tixtla de Guerrero,Alcozauca de Guerrero,Arcelia,Cuajinicuilapa,Mártir de Cuilapan,Teloloapan,Cocula,Copanatoyac,San Luis Acatlán,Alpoyeca,Iguala de la Independencia,La Unión de Isidoro Montes de Oca,Leonardo Bravo,Atoyac de Álvarez,Xalpatláhuac,Taxco de Alarcón,Juchitán,Apaxtla,Cualác,General Heliodoro Castillo,Juan R. Escudero,Tlapa de Comonfort,Metlatónoc,Chilapa de Álvarez,Chilpancingo de los Bravo,Xochistlahuaca,Quechultenango,Copala,Acatepec,Ometepec.

Guerrero, Mexico .map,region,geography,political,geographic,administrative division,city Landscape,3D model.


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Guerrero Mexico map region geography political geographic
Royalty Free License 
Guerrero Mexico map region geography political geographic
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk Maya (.ma, .mb)58.9 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)58.9 MB
  • VDB (.vdb)58.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-23
  • Model ID#4854673
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 1,226,184
  • Vertices 1,283,992
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing