Hey all!
I've done many tutorials over the years and have gotten a few requests for the tutorial result file, so, I've finally gotten to make it available.
Water is an interesting topic and has enjoyed many a tutorial at my hand, hehe! It's the final frontier - after normals, after rocks, after parallax occlusion mapping,... yeah it's up there okay, LOL!
The tutorialhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-QyCsWwPa8
The reflections tutorial was a hit, because in Blender Render, you could control the distance that the reflection should function at - this was to speed up reflection render times, because oh did they ever slow down renders. Eevee uses two techniques - limited probe and screen space reflections. Both are incredible, neither allow for controlled distance.
SO, instead, for the update, I focussed on producing a result that is similar to anime art and to lean it more to the 2D side, I added some bonus elements!
Included:Water reflections - Blender Render, 2.77aWater reflections - Eevee update - 2.93.8
Bonus elements on Eevee version:
If you were curious how to transfer this to Eevee, this update will blow your mind at how similar it really is! :D
I just know you're gonna dig into this with enthusiasm and love what you get out of it!!