For Anime in Blender - Water Reflections

For Anime in Blender - Water Reflections 3D model


Hey all!

I've done many tutorials over the years and have gotten a few requests for the tutorial result file, so, I've finally gotten to make it available.

Water is an interesting topic and has enjoyed many a tutorial at my hand, hehe! It's the final frontier - after normals, after rocks, after parallax occlusion mapping,... yeah it's up there okay, LOL!

The tutorial

The reflections tutorial was a hit, because in Blender Render, you could control the distance that the reflection should function at - this was to speed up reflection render times, because oh did they ever slow down renders. Eevee uses two techniques - limited probe and screen space reflections. Both are incredible, neither allow for controlled distance.

SO, instead, for the update, I focussed on producing a result that is similar to anime art and to lean it more to the 2D side, I added some bonus elements!

Included:Water reflections - Blender Render, 2.77aWater reflections - Eevee update - 2.93.8

Bonus elements on Eevee version:

  • Simple toon materials
  • Additional outlining of the bridge for a more painted feel
  • Foam circles on all the legs where they make contact with the water
  • A little bit of foam on the water surface
  • Reflection probe to increase reflection quality
  • Nicely finished world with clouds
  • Overall, a much better result!

If you were curious how to transfer this to Eevee, this update will blow your mind at how similar it really is! :D

I just know you're gonna dig into this with enthusiasm and love what you get out of it!!

RiaanMarais2022-10-31 07:55:09 UTC
Looking great!!! Fantastic work as always.
marius-oberholster2022-10-31 07:59:35 UTC
Thank you! Funny story, when I uploaded the video, I spelled reflections wrong, hahaha!
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For Anime in Blender - Water Reflections
Royalty Free License 
For Anime in Blender - Water Reflections
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 2.2h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender (.blend) (2 files)2.47 MBVersion: 2.77aRenderer: Default 2.77aVersion: 2.93Renderer: Eevee 2.93

    3D Model details

    • Publish date2022-02-13
    • Model ID#3580768
    • Animated
    • Rigged
    • VR / AR / Low-poly
    • PBR
    • Geometry Polygon mesh
    • Polygons 0
    • Vertices 0
    • Textures
    • Materials
    • UV Mapping
    • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
    • Plugins used
    • Ready for 3D Printing