The set contains three models: a relief map of Connecticut with surrounding area, a separate relief cutout of the state area, and a separate plain cutout of the state outline.
The map projection is Mercator. Geographic extents: W:-74.0; E:-71.5; S:40.6; N:42.3.
The 3D relief is taken from reprojected NASA shuttle radar topography data, with the elevation exaggerated. The relief is baked into a 750x678 mesh with 1022799 polys, 512843 vertices (for the main map).
An additional 16-bit bump texture is used for fine-grained detail.
The texture is rendered from color processed NASA satellite images.
Separate b/w texture masks are included for:
A multi-layered material (3ds Max version only) together with the provided texture masks allows extensive changes to the appearance of the map. Possible customizations include different colorings or complete removal of separate features like cities or borders, or different colorings for the state area and the surroundings.
A description of the multi-layered material and texture masks can be found in the accompanying PDF-manual.
Previews are rendered with mental ray, but the project uses only standard materials.
The .obj and .fbx versions will require new texture assignments after import.