3D Realistic Terrain Vol 1

3D Realistic Terrain Vol 1 3D model


Requires UNITY 3D!! I don't give support/help for others 3D engines (UDK, CRY ENGINE, CINEMA 4D, MAYA...)

3D Realistic Terrain Vol 1 is a set of heightmap / colormap / normal / ao maps. This is not a splating textures compilations! It's some full terrain textures.

The terrain colormap is made for you at 90%, you can of course edit the terrains, a bit,to adapt them for your project (and add your own textures, by adding a new terrain paint layer).

But if you make 'big' terrain modifications, the colormap/normal/ao will not fit anymore! Warning!

This package is perfect for peoples that need a quick terrain to make a background/game area without complicated software to learn to make a map... It use the standard unity terrain system

It can be used in many situations/engines (Unity / Unreal / 3DS Max with a displacement map?)
Some terrains are tilable! it allow you to make big worlds with ease!

*What you get : *

  • 5 terrains with colormap variations (first release)
  • 3 seamless terrains (canyon, green, alpine)
  • 2 closed envs, one canyon, and one moon crater

  • All textures are 8K resolution!

  • Heightmap 2K and 4K RAW 16 provided!

chuckfriedrich2021-05-13 16:19:36 UTC
nice job!
creepycat2021-05-16 15:33:28 UTC
Thanks :)
Item rating
1 0
tdreisinger2021-08-15 20:30:28 UTC
I really love these terrains! I often forget about them because they were purchased from here and not the asset store; but when I do remember, they fit perfectly for what I am doing. It is so convenient to just drag and drop a terrain instead of importing some bloated asset and spending days creating a terrain. Thank you Creepy Cat! Highly recommended!
3D Realistic Terrain Vol 1
Custom License 
3D Realistic Terrain Vol 1
Custom License 
Response 88% in 0.2h
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Unity 3D 2018 (.unitypackage, .prefab)2.66 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-14
  • Model ID#2706706
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry -
  • Polygons 0
  • Vertices 0
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing