Detailed World Trade Center environment compatible with use for VR simulation and gameplay. Revisit virtually what used to be a living breathing part of New York City of 2001. Reimagine the pre 9/11 scenography like never before with great graphics and optimized data.
Step into a highly detailed World Trade Center environment and revisit the iconic complex virtually. This environment is optimized for use in VR simulations and gameplay, allowing you to reimagine the pre-9/11 scenography with great graphics and optimized data. It includes the twin tower buildings, what was once a famous hotel spot, three low-rise buildings, and a courtyard with intricate details. The package also features the WTC lobby of both twin towers, the Windows of the World restaurant, stairs, and a hallway. Additionally, it includes the top level observatory and antenna on another tower. The package contains 34 unique meshes, 344 materials and material instances, and 274 textures with a resolution of 1024x1024. The environment is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.26 and is supported on both Windows and Mac platforms.
Required Unreal Engine 4.26 to run. Textures included in _fbm folders of
Key features:
Twin Tower buildings 1 WTC and 2 WTCMarriot Hotel as 3 WTC3 low rise buildings 4 WTC, 5 WTC and 6 WTCWorld Trade Center complex courtyard with detailsInteriors for WTC Lobby of both twin towers, Windows of the World restaurant, stairs and the hallwayTop level observatory and antenna (on another tower)Number of Unique Meshes: 34
Collision: Yes, generated automatically