Hi, friend!Here is a realistic Low Poly model of a street garbage bags. You can look on it from different views on the renders. it is photorealistic model which can be used in CGI movies or games of various genres from first person shooters to racing games. Whatever you are going to make this model will perfectly match the project. The asset includes two types of albedo textures and a normal map.
Speaking about the polycount it is quite a low number so placing these bags on your scene will not influece on the overall optimization of your project.
Total polycount: 1.665 faces!
SEPARATE MESHES:Just 1 trash bag mesh + PBR textures;
NOTE 1:It is important to note I am the creator or this asset and I ALLOW using it in any commercial and non-commercial purposes.
NOTE 2:If you have any questions/suggestions or issues with the asset, please, write that in a comment section or contact me on my e-mail: andriybobchuk@gmail.comI am always ready to help you!
Best wishes,Your 3D artist,Andriy Bobchuk