Tilable mesh link fence element. This element can be repeated over and over again to create large fences.
Geometry is mostly quads. The caps on the ends of wire have tris in them, but they don't cause any issues even when subdividing mesh.
Geometry has 12096 quads, 128 tris.
Normals in .OBJ file have been properly set using smoothing groups in Max. Max file have original smoothing groups. The vertex normals are also set properly in Lightwave. This model will render without smoothing errors.
UV map is cleverly made so that its tiling, and the mesh link fence element can be repeated without need of huge textures.
Textures:diffuse.png (2048x2048)bump.png (2048x2048)specular.png (2048x2048)
This asset is very valuable and usable and many scenarios. Every effort has been made that the model is error free and works flawlessly in any production environment.
Please contact support if you need other formats or if you have any issue with the model.