Details:This is a low-poly pallet that has been baked over using a high-poly wooden pallet.It has mainly been created for Unreal Engine but texture set for Unity's also included. It can also be used for other purposes, such as film, animation, AR, or VR projects.
Asset Features: Game Ready, FBX & obj formats, Made for Unreal Engine & Unity 5.
Asset Weight: Mesh Triangles: 1332, Verticles: 3890.
Textures resolution: Each texture resolution is set to 4096 pixels and are in .png format.
Following texture maps for UE are included: Albedo, BaseColor, Normal, MaterialId, Metallic, AmbientOcclusion, Roughness.
The Texture_pack.rar contains four texture maps; below is the necessary information regarding the textures:
1) Pallet_LP_PalletA_BaseColor_sRGB:This is the base color, or albedo map, which defines the main color of the material without any lighting or shading effects.
2) Pallet_LP_PalletA_Normal_Raw:This is the normal map, which defines the direction and intensity of the surface normals, which are perpendicular vectors to the surface. Normal maps are used to create the illusion of depth and detail on a flat surface by altering the way light reflects off the surface.
3) Pallet_LP_PalletA_OcclusionRoughnessMetallic_Raw:This is the occlusion, roughness, and metallic map (all in one), which defines how much ambient occlusion, roughness, and metallicity the material has, respectively. Ambient occlusion is a technique that simulates the effect of shadows in the crevices and corners of the surface by darkening the areas that receive less ambient light. Roughness is a measure of how rough or smooth the material is, which affects how blurry or sharp the reflections are. Metallicity is a measure of how metallic the material is, which affects how much light is reflected or scattered by the surface.
4) Pallet_LP_PalletA_Height_Raw:This is the height map, which defines the elevation of the surface. Height maps are used to create displacement and tessellation effects, which modify the shape of the object to add further details.
Please note that these textures are sRGB-based, and should you use them in UnrealEngine, please follow the included instructions - basic instructions for unity is also included.
Thanks and enjoy.