Abandoned Facility MODULAR Environment with 131 Unique Meshes
HDRP,URP supported
Unity version, 2021.3.4 or higher
This package is compatible with both HDRP and URP render pipelines in Unity. All materials are created with shader graphs that support HDRP and URP. By default, the package is set up for HDRP, but you can import the included URP file into a new project to switch to URP. It works smoothly in Unity 6, and if you experience lighting issues, simply click “Generate Lighting” to fix them.
Abandoned Facility: Exploration of an Abandoned Secret Base
Abandoned Facility is an adrenaline-filled FPS gaming experience designed specifically for team-based battles in TDM (Team Deathmatch) modes.
Abandoned Facility offers a meticulously designed and rich environment that mesmerizes players, particularly with its impressive outdoor areas. The high-quality visuals and immersive atmosphere further enhance the gaming experience.
This map requires strategic moves in team-based battles. Players must utilize their superior tactical skills to defeat the enemy team, while striving to gain advantageous positions in challenging corridors and hidden areas.
Are you ready? Take a step into Abandoned Facility with your team and strive towards victory.
Screenshots are unedited and reflect the actual content.
High detailed modular.
Super fast and easy to customize.
High Attention to Details
HDRP-URP Compatible
Suitable for Team Deathmatch
Includes the showcased map
Unique Concepts of Assets
High-Quality Assets
Game-Ready / Optimized
Modular structures
Modular walls, floors, and more.
Exterior Props
LODs: Yes/5LOD's
Lightmap: Yes
Collision: Yes - automatically generated
UV Mapping: Yes
Animation: No
Number of Meshes: 131
Number of Materials: 71
Number of Textures: 171
Vertex Count: MIN 242 Triangles (SM_Prop_Garbage_Cardboard_x5), MAX 46392 Triangles (SM_Prop_Crane)
Texture Resolutions: 1K, 2K, and 4K
Albedo,Normal Map,Gloss,Speculer,Emission,Occlusion