Digital game low poly 3d model of the U.S. Capitol
INFO:1) Game model ready for export in Unreal engine2) coordinates of the location of the model in space (x0, y0, z0) 3) All objects have names4) All textures and materials are also named5)The model is in real scale, system units - cm6) Original file format - max 2014
Textures:4 folders: big_home: 1) mask_big_home_PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_big_home_aoPNG - 4096x4096 3) t_big_home_diffusePNG - 4096x4096 4) t_big_home_normalPNG - 4096x4096 5) t_big_home_specPNG - 4096x4096 6) wareframes_big_homePNG - 4096x4096 Columns_steps: 1) mask_Column_stepsPNG - 4096x4096 2) t_Column_aoPNG - 4096x4096 3) t_Column_normals_PNG - 4096x4096 4) wareframe_Column_steps_PNG - 4096x4096
Dome: 1) mask_Dome_PNG - 4096x4096 2) t_dome_aoPNG - 4096x4096 3) t_dome_diffusePNG - 4096x4096 4) t_dome_normalPNG - 4096x4096 5) t_dome_specularPNG - 4096x4096 6) wareframes_Dome __PNG - 4096x4096 windows: 1) mask_windowsPNG - 4096x4096 2) t_windows_aoPNG - 4096x4096 3) t_windows_DiffusePNG - 4096x4096 4) t_windows_normalsPNG - 4096x4096 5) t_windows_specPNG - 4096x4096 6) wareframes_windows_PNG - 4096x4096
Appreciate the time and trouble!
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