2022-05-28 20:20:00 UTCMaddGameStudio
Awesome Models, these models are beautiful and render perfectly in my game. This Creator is amazing this is the second pack I have purchased from him.
This is a project of two trailers, small and big version.Trailer consists of Exterior, Interior, Interior furniture, Base, addons like air-conditioning, Electric Box.There are two version of Trailers: small tailer House with 8 textures variant of Exterior plus one texture for interior, big trailer House with 7 texture vairants of Exterior plus one texture for interior.The rest of textures of Base, air-conditiong, Electric Box have the same textures. All parts of Trailers have some divergence - small changes in mesh to make it look a bit difference form the others.Each trailer composition have ~7k polygons and ~9k vertices
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BLEND (nativ)