Traditional Turkish Tent

Traditional Turkish Tent 3D model



by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19



This detailed model is my favorite one in its own category. This tent clearly shows most of the traditional details of Turkish culture. This tents are still being used by the people today.

There are some dublicated objects in scene which were increased the polygon count. But I think this is not an issue for new gaming engines (if not please inform me about this:)



The felt tent with a round dome form, also called a yurt, still used by nomads in Mongolia and central Asia is the possible source inspiration for the Turkish tent construction. The shape is most resistant to winds and snowstorms with a rigid, domed wooden frame which stands on its own and is not dependent on the covering for support. The interior of the yurt is clad with hanging rugs, cushions and is thus soft, comfortable and colorful. With the increasing wealth and influence of the Turkish empires, tents also became a symbolic form of a mean of advertising the splendor, power and wealth of the empire. Later on, Turkish architecture of brick and stone imitated some patterns of tents with their numerous kiosks and pavilions. A yurt of a ruler, a khan, was made of red felt, and decorated with gold like a domed palace.

The idea of nomadic life in tents remained with the Ottomans, as they were also influenced by Persian and Byzantine tent creations, as they developed their own lavish imperial style.

The largest collection of Ottoman tents is at the Topkapi Palace Museum, in storage, and poorly documented and published. The second largest collection is at the Military Museum in Istanbul, with few in display. The only place where the visitor can enter the tents and enjoy their breathtaking beauty is actually in Cracow, Poland. The Royal Castle of Wawel houses five complete pasha's tents. The largest one has a wall height of 3.7 m and a length of almost 24 m .It is oval shaped with tree poles and crimson canvas. All their pieces plus several others at the Cracow National Museum were taken from the Ottoman's at the Battle of Vienna, in 1683, including the tent of the grand vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha.



Nobody does! I always try to do my best but sometimes unwanted mistakes can be happened unconsciously. If something happens please contact me ASAP for solving the problems immidiatelly.

I am writing this in particular because of some misunderstandings I lived before. Sometimes people prefer to make NEGATIVE RATINGS instead of calling and talking with modellers. If you are the one of them please do not buy this (:just kidding, I know you are a nice people)).

A little nice conversation is able to solve all problems in minutes. I know somehow :))



trktent(SOURCE).C4D is the main file for Cinema 4D users. No textures or objects were baked. This needs TEX folder for texturing.

trktent.C4D has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

trktent.BLND (2.82A) was made by importing the FBX file inside and just saving it as a blend format with no specular issues. Nothing special:)

trktent.MAX (2019) was made by importing the FBX file inside and just saving it as a max format. Nothing special:)

trktent.FBX (v7.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

trktent.OBJ (with MTL) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

trktent.3DS has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials (3DS ignores all texture images at opening. You must assign them properly).

trktent.DAE (v1.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.



TEX.RAR has 25 texture JPG images for trktent(SOURCE).C4D file.

UVTEX.RAR has 59 UVW JPG images for other formats.



UVW images are in 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096 and 6144 pixel sizes. All they are high quality JPG images.

Fabrics were made in Marvelous Designer. If you fail to render the back sides of them please select the **NORMAL TAG**s of these objects and make **ALIGN VERTEX TO FACE NORMALS** adjustment.



86 objects

393,757 polygons

410,361 points



-Follow my tutorials in youtube:

-Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here:


See you...

THE3DRENDERTR2022-06-20 05:05:09 UTC
Eline emeğine sağlık baya güzel olmuş:)
DarkStudio2022-02-28 16:34:19 UTC
Nice model.
hdpoly2021-12-07 12:40:49 UTC
good job!
Victoriasentius2021-11-15 19:24:33 UTC
Robinson172021-04-22 19:07:28 UTC
Great work....
Item rating
1 0
Koob2024-04-12 07:36:05 UTC
Overall shape and look are ok, but every identical part of the model uses a separate material, which is nonsense. For example, 9 identical wooden poles use 9 separate materials and 9 separate textures. It really should be one pole with 1 material copied 9 times. Same for all the pillows, cloth, etc. Also no normal maps, just diffuse textures. This is usable, it's just you have to do all the work (delete the poles and copy the one 9 times for example, make normal maps from the diffuse maps...) to make it usable in games or videos.
Traditional Turkish Tent
Royalty Free License 
Traditional Turkish Tent
Royalty Free License 
Response 99% in 1.4h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
Post Production
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) (2 files)72.7 MBVersion: R19Renderer: Default R19Version: R19Renderer: Default R19
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2019 (.max)98.9 MBVersion: 2019Renderer: Default (Scanline) 2019
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)20.9 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 7.5 (.fbx)25.5 MB
  • Collada 1.5 (.dae)51 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)88.3 MB
  • Textures 102 MB
  • Blender 2.82A (.blend)54.1 MBVersion: 2.82ARenderer: Default 2.82A

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-03-02
  • Model ID#2903286
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 393,757
  • Vertices 410,361
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Non-overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing