Okiya, traditional japanese house low-poly, ready for games.
Archives are those : fbx.rar, obj.rar, glb.rar, dds.rar. Example of files in fbx.rar archive: okiyadooranimation.fbx is a door with faces on both sides pivoted to 0 axes, ready for slide animationokiyadoorstatic.fbx is a door that can be used with okyiaexterior.fbxokiyaexterior.fbxokiyaexteriorfullscene.fbx is the scene you can see in exterior.mviewokiyainterior.fbxokiyainteriorfullscene is the scene you can see in interior.mviewokiyanoren.fbx and okyianorenloosed.fbx
PBR texture folder are included in fbx,obj archives as png format with most of them at a resolution 2048-2048, but I also put here one archive that contains dds textures. PBR maps : albedo, normal, roughness and specular.
The interior is separated from exterior house and you have to use the doors as a teleporter to move frome one to other( that can be possible in any engine). The interior house has 6000 polygons and 7800 vertices, while exterior house has 8500 polygons and 13300 vertices, in total 14500 polygons and 21100 vertices all.
Check marmoset mview files for more details. Photos done with Marmoset