This package here is ONLY available for Unreal Engine 4.15 (or newer)! Contents are in .UASSET format!
Suburban House is a completely furnished home asset that contains a detailed house model with separated submeshes (doors, windows, shutters) and 218 high-quality, interactive props. Every interactive model has properly separated and pivoted submeshes, ready to be animated (knobs, levers, switches, cabinet doors, drawers).
Technical Details:Physically-Based Rendering: YesTexture Size: from 128*128 to 4096*4096Collision: Yes, automatically generatedTriangle Count: ~280k for the whole demo scene (~40k for the empty house)LODs: YesNumber of Meshes: 489Number of Materials and Material Instances: 81 master materials and 8 material instancesNumber of Textures: 232(includes Basecolor + Opacity(where applicable), Normal map, Metallic+Roughness+AO, Emission map (where applicable))Intended Platform: Desktop PC, VRPlatforms Tested: Windows PC
Note: The house mesh is NOT modular, but is split to parts for optimized lightmap resolution and top-down camera support.
The poly count indicated here (250k) refers to the entire demo scene with all props, fully assembled. The package is optimized for desktops, however, according to customer feedback, it runs great on PC VR.
I'd like to emphasize again that the this package here is only for Unreal Engine 4 developers! Unpack the ZIP file and copy the folder into your Unreal project's /content folder, and you're ready to go!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me here!