This is a realistic scandinavian house design.I made it with Blender, and it's originally an archviz project. You get a nice outdoor view of the house, and a 3D floor plan if you switch for that camera. Same model, of course.
All the textures are saved in the blend. file. You can open it, and render in cycles, for the results you expect. I tried to keep poly count low as possible, but the main goals was realistic renders.
The render settings, the lighting settings, and the camera settings are all deliberate. You can learn from these, if interested. No add-on needed, super simple to change/ add anything on this scene.
I uploded some wireframe views. As you can see, the background is added in Photoshop, and I upload these photoshop files as well. This is a good technique to keep the file size lower, make you computer's life easier.
I hope you like it too!