This is a fully textured exterior scene of a villa surrounded by a natural Mediterranean landscape made up of olive trees. The building style is inspired by Casa Azul architecture style, by Bak Gordon.
Mediterranean Villa exterior scene is ready to render for Cinema 4D 2024 and Corona 12, including natural light setup with volume effect, 8 cameras settings, 55 Physical materials (no Legacy materials), 12 Chaos scatters with Areas, Slope and Camera clipping, VFB setup (the renders need no post production with Photoshop), and more.
A few more info about this product
Terrain is made with 2 overlayed surfaces. The first one has a soil/rock material with UV randomization to avoid texture tiling; the second one has a grass material with a blend of Cinema 4D procedural noises in opacity layer. The lower rock layer 3d surface is sculpted to make it randomly emerge from grass.
Every hill has a Chaos scatter that creates the first base layer of grass. The main hill has a special additional scatter for the wild, larger grass elements. Shrubs (Quercus Ilex and Pistacia Lentiscus), olive trees and dry leaves are scattered with separated scatters for easier management. Almost all scatters are connected to some splines to control includes and excludes areas.
The main scatters have Camera clipping enabled (so anything outside the camera’s field of view is hidden in render and viewport navigation) and Slope option set to prevent vegetation elements from settling even in steep slope areas.
High and medium poly olive trees have a built-in patch of terrain (with a higher polygon count than the base terrain) to simulate a tree ground attack.
High, medium and low poly trees also have differences in how the bark material was made. The high poly tree trunk has 2 overlayed materials: the first one has a Triplanar inside to make the areas of the trunk facing y and z more mossy; the second one is the bottom bark material applied through a Vertex map to the base of the trunk to simulate a dirtier, wetter area.
The high-poly olive tree’s leaves have a material that include a Multishader set in Mesh element mode, to make every single leaf look slightly different in color (perfect for close up shots). In the low-poly olive trees the same Multishader option is set to Object, to make the overall tree look slightly different in color (more suitable for wide shot).
The building’s walls dirt are made with Decals and Ambient occlusion set to inside and outside edges.
Background images come out directly from render, since they are made with a plane and a light material (you don’t have to place them in Photoshop).
About Takes system
While selecting your favorite shot, do not just activate a specific Camera. Go to the Take tab instead (1) and choose from the 11 available Takes. By activating a Take or another (2), Cinema 4D will automatically change the active Camera, the Render settings, the light setup and a few other options that will make that shot look great.
Stay in the Main Take if you want to move inside the scene and change all settings with more freedom.
This product includes:
The 100% of what you see in the rendering is created from scratch.
All my Cinema 4D and Corona scenes are hand made polygon by polygon and include light setup, materials, textures, camera settings, final PSD with adjustment layers (if needed), furniture and props with a high level of detail. You can use them to improve your visualizations or learn from the files, moving inside the project, observing how light was created and handled, how materials are developed, and the values that fill every single option.