Lumion 12.5 Scene Pack :10 X Lumion12.5 Project Files + original archicad models and sketchup coversions
this is our best pack yet and it includes our most beautiful work done with lumion
Content of this pack will let you learn and understand how lumion can be used. You can use 3D models as well for your future projects and check out how we made these images and use presets to your advatage
Pack includes:
Downloadables :
Lumion 12.5 (.ls12) with Pre-Set view(s) with effects applied as shown in image(s).Archicad models and sketchup coverted models are listed above
How to Use : Simply open the lumion file by double clicking or loading through lumion 12.5 Pro. To use the effects used in any of the included files please use the save effects option to save the desired effect and later load it into you project.
Note : This file is only fully compatible with Lumion Version 12.5 Pro and above. If you need other version please contact us for posibbilityEnjoy
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