+/- 2,200 Square Foot Garage With Red Siding Exterior Finish. -Garage can be a Residential or Commercial Garage/Warehouse
High Detail Exterior Model including doorsMaterials: Siding, Concrete
Exterior, interior only has white wall finish and white ceiling
-Modeled to Scale:50' x 44' x 16'-0' High Wall and 29'-6to top of RoofGarage Door Size: 14'-4 High x 12'-0" Wide.
Modeled in 3ds Max 2015, rendered using Vray and HDRI lighting, HDRI NOT included-Set to 0,0,0 Axis -All objects grouped into a single group for easy scene movement.-All Textures Included in Zip File-Gutters and Downspouts included.-Great Garage for any infill scene-Low Poly.-Please note model was done in 3ds Max and exported formats have not been tested with other software.
Enjoy and Happy Modelling!!