Small lowpoly burned down thatched house(+bonus rubble pile and burned beam separate lowpoly objects) It has 723 vertices, 543 faces, and 1061 triangles. The native format is Blender. Scale in the native app - approx 4.9x6x6.3 m (16x19.7x20.6 feet). Origin is at the world center and at the bottom center of the building. Beauty renders are with Blender internal(lighting setup not included), other previews are within app (Blender) views. The last preview is a sample screenshot from Unreal Engine. UE Mannequin and scene are for scale and not included. A small rubble pile(meant to be positioned against a wall) and a burned beam are available as separate objects to be used at will. Positioned on different layers in Blender and exported as separate objects and archived in other formats.
Textures include 2048x2048 JPG format - Dark burned wood, Wood as charcoal, Plaster, Stone and plaster, Burned stone and plaster, Two burned doors. Diffuse and Normal maps are used in the native file (Blender). Specularity, AO, and Displacement are included for convenience in the texture pack, but not used.
Textures in formats other than .blend may have to be reassigned. Materials in Unreal Engine will have to be adjusted.If you need something else modeled, please contact me.