The game-model collection Medieval Environments from Pure3D delivers a medieval themed environment set game-ready for most engines and coherent style with all other Pure3D collections.
Take a look at the video: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhjG-FxHDjI](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhjG-FxHDjI)
This is what you get:
-10 medieval buildings
-5 enterable medieval buildings
-12 prop models like gallow, stocks, carriages, modular fences and other goodies
-full material setup including tesselation/displacement maps for specific textures
-46 high-quality .dds textures diffuse / normap / specular / opacy / displacement
-switchable building textures due performant atlas-mapping
-several file formats: dae, fbx, obj, 3ds, max
-fits 100% to all other Pure3D sets in style and look
Take a look at the screenshots for more visuals of each model its wireframe and the technical specs. Recorded in Real-Time of course.