Architecturally accurate model of Mesopotamian Ziggurat at the ancient city of Ur, in present day Iraq. Included is a simple human-size figure to give you the idea of the scale of this structure. Primarily used as a temple. In .max (3ds max 7) format.
About the file:
-Fully textured with bump, specular, and displacement maps. -No additional plugins required. -All textures included.
Originally created for a school project. After some careful compositing, my teacher, upon viewing the work, asked where we found that temple to shoot at. Didn't realize it was CG. Check out the previews.
In order to cut down on Polys, simply turn off MeshSmooth and Subdivide. You may have to turn off Displacement mapping also, as you may get strange artifacts after killing MeshSmooth. But then, it wont look as pretty and the individual bricks will be flat. But hey, its a trade-off.
All previews rendered in Max 7 with Mental Ray, with the exception of the clips captured from the final movie (composited using combustion).