Will you find a Great Pyramid model that resembles more to the real one than this one, and for this price?
Here, you get:
8389 bricks mapped with real pyramid stone photograph and with slightly rounded edges;
360º panoramic sky;
realistic pyramid top dome achieved with a lot of work and also real photographs of it. Note: the bumpness has to be rearranged in the .3ds and .obj format;
true desert sand;
decent lighting
For obj format you should apply these materials to the following objects:
DSC07189 -- to -- py top
PyramidBlocks in -- to -- Pyramid in
PyramidBlocks to all the bricks (just select them all; the obj format cannot be exported with group option)
sand aaaaa - Cópia -- to -- grounda aaaaa
trees-sky-clouds copy -- to -- Sky dome
Don´t worry about the mapping coordinates. That is saved in the exported format.
Last Note: the sand texture should be tiled at 4 by 4 in the obj file and the DSC07189 texture must have the 2 sided option enabled in your material slot.
Thank you.