This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 8 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 Merica Roman theater was built around the year 16-15. C and donated by Marcus Agrippa (son of Emperor Augustus), dating from about the same time of the founding of Emerita Augusta. It was in use until the second half of the fourth century, undergoing some renovations in I and II century AD theater capacity was about 6,000 people. The bleachers or "cáveas" semicircular is divided into 3 sectors: IMA, MEDIA, SUMMA CAVEA where the different social classes of the time were distributed. CAVEA front of the IMA was the semicircular "Orchestra" designed to choirs. The stage with a length of 60 meters. Long and 7 meters deep was originally covered with wood. The front of the scene is composed of starters and two rows of columns that reach 18m in height, among them sculptures were placed as a decorative element. On the back of the scene there are dependencies that were used by the actors, with a landscaped peristyle and a small camera or the imperial chapel for worship. During his left and over the centuries, their structures are collapsing keeping visible only the upper stands, popularly being called "The Seven Chairs" until 1910 date of excavation. At one end of the peristyle at a higher level, you can see the remains of the latrines.