Great model! very instructive!
The original reference is the Sundial made in the time of Karamanoğlu, found on the south wall of the Hacı Hasan Mosque. The sundial is used to show prayer times. Translation of the inscription: The Jeweler Hasan, who is in need of Allah's mercy, had this sundial built.
I used only V-Ray layers on renders.
Textures designed and exported from Substance Painter.
Textures from substance painter are in seperate rar file
Texture resolution is 4096 x 4096
Maya project has its own texture files in sourceimages folder.
There are 5 types of model. Low Poly, Base Model, Mid I, Mid II and High Poly.
All models are exported from Zbrush.
Zbrush file is also in zip file. So any polygon level can be used.
Polygon and verts numbers: