Collection of 3d Gravestones.
Modeled and rendered in 3ds Max using V-Ray.Unit of measurement is meters.
Gravestone 1:Textures are 2880 x 1620 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 64,720Vertices - 32,386
Gravestone 2:Textures are 1920 x 1080 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 391,392Vertices - 195,926
Gravestone 3:Textures are 1920 x 1080 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 60,896Vertices - 30,484
Gravestone 4:Textures are 1920 x 1080 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 135,312Vertices - 67,706
Gravestone 5:Textures are 1920 x 1080 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 43,264Vertices - 3,933
Grave Cross Stone :Textures are 408 x 612 in size. UV's are non-overlapping.PBR Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion and Normal textures.Polys - 13,824Vertices - 6,916