One wall of old, crumbling, decaying, disintegrating, patched up wooden synagogue in Europe, Lithuania, village of Alanta. Manual retopology preformed, and divided to segments to be used as modular pieces for any kind of building, shag, favela, cabin or just old wooden house construction. The sun was quite strong so the light direction is baked in, but still works quite well, in my opinion. Has 8k PBR textures. I also include textures in .png and LOD’s for separate components of wall. Modularity is not perfect since the building is old and very irregular. Some manual tweaking is required when placing and connecting wall pieces. Could be used in horror game environment, decrepit abandoned village or town scenario, favelas and sheds in fallout4 style or just for some old haunted houses.Made for real time rendering (VR, AR, Game development etc.) but could work for VFX if cavity / bump texture is used as micro displacement.Numbers are given as it is displayed in 3Ds Max.
Single mesh - original retopo geometry (one_wall_singlemesh) - 3857 polys 6564 tris 3401 verts.broken to 5 pieces and 5 top railings at LOD 0: