Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral 3D model


The St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is one of the landmarks of the Bulgarian capital city of Sofia. The foundation stone of this Russian Orthodox Church was laid in 1882 to designs by the Russian architect Alexander Pomerantsev. Its construction actually took place between 1904 and 1912. The neo-byzantine cathedral is situated on Alexander Nevsky Square in central Sofia. The church is dedicated to the national saint Alexander Nevsky and Tsar Alexander II. It is a memorial to the 200,000 Russian soldiers who fell in the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877/1878, which resulted in Bulgaria being liberated from Ottoman rule.

When you purchase this 3D building model it will be your very own and you will really appreciate the design in all its details and glory. This will allow you to use the design in your own artistic creations. Benefit from our free download and discount. This means you’ll get your model straight away and can use different formats such as DAE, SK, 3DS and C4D. (see details)

A magnificent 3D model of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

This beautiful replica represents a 3D model of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. It is part of our selection of high-quality 3D building models. The actual building stands as a major landmark on Alexander Nevsky Square in the centre of Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital.

Part of the Russian Orthodox churchThis building was created in the Russian Orthodox style and its foundation stone was set down in 1882. The designer was Alexander Pomerantsev, a Russian architect. Pomerantsev was assisted by Alexander Smirnov and Alexander Yakovlev. Initially, the project began in 1884 and was lead by Ivan Bogomolov. However, Pomerantsev drastically changed these plans and his design was completed in 1898. A team of Bulgarian, Austro-Hungarian and Russian artists worked on the construction, aided by other European artists, architects and labourers.

Dedicated to a national saint and a tsarThe cathedral was built over an 8-year period between 1904-1912. It was dedicated to both Alexander Nevsky, a national saint, and Tsar Alexander II. Also, it represents a memorial to the thousands of Russian soldiers who died during the 1877-78 Russian-Ottoman War. As a result of this war, Bulgaria was freed from the control of the Ottoman Empire.

An impressive designThe building was designed in a Neo-Byzantine style and is one of the world’s greatest Eastern Orthodox holy buildings. Inside, it can hold 10,000 people and its footprint covers 3,170 square metres. As with all our 3D building models, you can really appreciate the finer details of the design to inspire your artistic projects. This cross-domed basilica emphasises the central dome, which is plated with gold and stands 45 metres tall. The bell tower is 53 metres high and there are 12 bells, the heaviest being 12 tons and the total weight of all 12 bells being 23 tons.

A luxury interiorInside, this holy building is decorated with luxurious materials, including different colours of Italian marble, alabaster and onyx. The central dome bears an inscription of the Lord’s Prayer in stunning gold lettering. The Italian marble used inside was made in Munich, which is also where the lighting fixtures came from. The metal parts used to construct the gates were made in Berlin. However, the gates were actually made in a Viennese factory owned by Karl Bamberg’s. The mosaics on the walls were designed in Venice and shipped over to the site in Sofia.

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Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Royalty Free License 
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Collada (.dae)81.3 MB
  • Cinema 4D 12 (.c4d)66.4 MBVersion: 12Renderer: Advanced Renderer
  • Sketchup (.skp)7.31 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)30.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2013-10-28
  • Model ID#42211
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 2,226,990
  • Vertices 3,861,612
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing