Stylized Big Burger Building with Stylized PBR Textures. Suitable for any scene. Ready to use in any project.
.Fbx, .Obj, .Uasset and .Blend files.
Textures already applied in .Blend file (Put the textures on the same directory of blend file).
Low Poly Mesh game-ready.
Real-World Scale (centimeters).
Unreal Project 4.18+
Tris Count: 8,482.
Number of Textures: 25
Number of Textures (UE4): 15
PBR Textures (1024x1024, 2048x2048 and 4096x4096) (PNG).
Type of Textures: Base Color, Roughness, Metallic, Normal Map and Ambient Occlusion (PNG)
Combined RMA texture (Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion) for Unreal Engine 4 (PNG).
Nomenclatures and Sufixes in Unreal Engine 4:
SM_ : Static Meshes.
T_ : Textures.
_BC : Base Color.
_N : Normal Maps.
M_ : Materials.
_RMA : Roughness, Metallic and Ambient Occlusion.
MI_ : Material Instances.