W10-1 [Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Advance Warning] Road signs. Circular sign. Includes a Rusted version, a broken rusted version, and a clean new version. Includes bended pole with bended signs variation, normal straight up variation, layed down signs for bended signs and normal signs variation. Check pictures to see each variation.
964 polys for normal variation, slight differences in other variations.
Low-Poly, High-Quality Model.
Clean Geometry and Topology.
High-quality 4k textures (png). All signs and variations are baked into a single texture set for space efficient results that doesn't sacrifice quality. Includes:
PBR shading.
Optimized to be rendered realistically in Cycles [ray-tracing] and Eevee [real-time].
Provided in:
If you want any other sign(s) similar to these contact me.
Note: All Renders were done in Ray-tracing Cycles.