A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, vehicles and environment assets to create a city based polygonal style game.
Designed specifically for VR and AR!
These are not just buzzwords. Synty Studios's office is located in a shared VR/AR development space in Wellington New Zealand and we have worked with the other dev teams to produce a high quality pack for all your mixed reality needs.
Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
Comes with Unity & Unreal projects + Source Files!
Includes a demo scene (Character poses indicative only)
331 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colours.
Some examples include:
9 Unique characters with x4 alternative Colour and 3 skin tone variations
8 Unique Cars with x12 alternative variations
Character setup to work with Mecanim in Unity or Unreals Epic skeleton. (no animations included in this pack)