Hey all!
This is a clean mesh I've recently finished! It's fairly low poly looking despite having 40,000 + vertices, and is modeled after a real place (https://www.google.com/maps/@46.7868482,-92.0983326,3a,75y,287.7h,104.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm38GZl6fGHhAXFB-80vNmA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192). This mesh can also be ported into other development environments. I've tried Cura, 3d paint, and Unity (as shown in the images). If you decide to import into Unity, know that the file labeled pixil-frame-1.png is your materials file. You should be able to click and drag it onto each object to color it. The pixil-frame-1.png is also my color palette that I used to model the buildings. I attached it separately so you can make more blender files with the same colors. if you choose to.
Thanks for checking out my project!