Kabul Afghanistan, and surrounding terrain (137km x 78 km). Accurate geo-referenced model, ideal for arch-viz, city planning or games/simulations. 1-to-1 real-world scale in meters. Terrain consists high-res city baseplate (23km x 19.5km ) overlaying a low-res macro terrain providing the distant hills (137 x 78 km).
Native format is 3ds Max. No plugins required to achieve renders shown above. Texture map for baseplate is located in its own zip download. Lighting setup not included. Model built to real world scale - units are meters.
Separated mesh nodes and materials for- Buildings, and Roofs. C130J aircraft also included. Sky texture not included.
Formats include;
3DS Max (2015 or above)
Please contact if you'd like another.
We are available for freelance work at good rates to create whatever your project requires - please ask for details. Contact us through CGT messaging for a quick response. We have experience of 3DSMax, Maya and many other applications. 3D Modelling, rendering and animation.
Seismic Team.