A fictional city situated in Antarctica.
The set up is in a concrete base and has two different districts separated by a cannal, the comertial district and the residential district.
The comertial district has a total of 13 buildings (not including houses) and 2 parks, 9 of wich have interior shops with multiple props, the most detailed being **The Far south** bar, wich includes three different types of tables, stools and couches, aswell as six different types of drinks, beer barrels and a cash register.
The residential district has a park contained inside a dome to preserve the temperature and keep the grass alive. This park has a monument that uses both the Antarctic flag, aswell as The true south antarctic flagIt also uses multiple varieties of similar houses to keep a unified architectural style.
The town itself has 2 varieties of streetlights, electric poles, traffic lights, street signs, 2 small bridges and a big one, a port with a shipcruise.
Textures and Materials:(Textures are 1024x1024)
There is a total of 42 materials shared across the scene, the list of materials are:
-Asphalt (PBR) -Billboards (Made up brands made with editing software) -Books -Bottles(Made up brands) -Bricks (PBR) -Bricks2 (PBR) -Brickswhite (PBR without albedo, uses white as default color) -Brickwall (PBR) -Bronce (Generic metal material) -Cliff (PBR with height map applied) -Concrete (PBR) -Concrete ground (PBR) -darkpaintglossy (generic BSDF material) -darkpaintmatt (generic BSDF material) -Flag of antarctica -glaciar (PBR, uses Subsurface) -glass (Generic glass material) -glassdark (Generic glass material) -grass (PBR) -greenmatt (Generic glass material) -leather (PBR) -light (generic emissive material) -lightblue (generic emissive material) -metal (Generic metal material) -metaldark (Generic metal material) -pavement (PBR) -plaster (PBR) -snow (PBR) -stucco (PBR) -tflights (Emissive traffic lights) -tiles (PBR) -True south antarctic flag -Water (procedurally generated material, only works in blender) -Water 2 (procedurally generated material, only works in blender) -Whiteglossy (generic BSDF material) -whitematt (generic BSDF material) -wood (PBR) -woodenground (PBR) -yellowmat (generic BSDF material)
The export file formats are: .fbx .glb .stl .obj and native contains two different blend files, both are similar, except the backup file does not have the modifiers applied.
Thats all, enjoy :)