Beovision Harmony is designed forthe ultimate cinematic and immersiveaudio-visual experience. With a newand exciting take on the TV cabinetconcept, Beovision Harmony iscapable of transforming itself froman elegant piece of furniture whilenot in use into an unrivalled centreof entertainment. Watch the magicunfold.
DesignerTorsten Valeur, Valeur Designers
Dimensions (cm)
65" floor standing: 99.1 h x 34 d x 174.5 w (closed)142.3 h x 34 d x 174.5 w (open)
77" floor standing: 115 h x 34 d x 174.5 w (closed)158,2 h x 34 d x 174.5 w (open)
vray2011Corona2014 (converted from vray)OBJ