Generic iPad model, based on the newer iPad2. Lighting is setup to render out real-life looking renders as seen in preview pictures.
Fully editable if you so wish. The iPad was made with the box-modeling method.
Included are a white iPad, a black iPad and a scene file where there are two iPads, black and white. The iPads have a linked object at the back, which has the iPad writing on it (just below the Apple logo) I left this detached so that the texture works and isn't smoothed weird because of the meshsmooth. Meshsmooth is applied in the scene but can be turned off.
Low resolution models are included.
You'll see in one of the previews there is a wallpaper on the screen. This is one of my own photos taken by myself. It is included for you to use in the supporting items.
The poly/vert count is WITH meshsmooth applied.
Also included are scene files for the black iPad and one with both a white and a black iPad and also the scene file where the iPad is in a room.