This is a beautiful electrical table fan that was made by Blender 3.4. There are several formats available for this product. Those are .blend, .fbx, .obj, .dae, .abc, .glb, .stl, .ksb, and .bip formats. This model is rendered in Keyshot 9. This is a low poly model was designed for games, animations, and static renders. The Collada(.dae) format has triangulated mesh. The others are quadrants. There are no textures and materials but UV mapped. You can select materials and textures of your choice. You can check the model quality in the preview with 2K quality. With this product, you can buy it at a fair price. You can use this model as a template for your brands, movies, games, animation, and educational projects. where are ever you need it. It is worth more than money.