Formats: Only Unitypackage
Fbx, Textures, Materials, Prefabs, Scenes
Texture dimensions: )-(1): 512x512, (10): 1024x1024, (1): 2048x2048
Textures: Basecolor, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, Ao
Polygon count of: Computer: 562, Computer Case: 176 Mouse: 164, Keyboard: 670 Speaker: 238, Led Pc: 262, Table: 254, Fan: 992, Old Telephone: 760, Sci Fi telephone: 2,225, Hammer: 248, Flower: 620, Bin: 416, Office Chair: 2,419, Chair2: 1,922, Scifi
TotalObjects: 31Vertices: 22,343Edges: 44,435Faces: 22,636Triangles: 39,690
Modeled in blender and painted in substance painter.
Hope you like it! :) If there is anything wrong or not working tell me about it, and I will do everything to fix it as soon as possible.