Highly detailed Rolleiflex cam 3D model. (scene setup / environment etc. from preview images not included)
Corona Materials are applied. There is a free version Corona renderer, fully functional. (https://corona-renderer.com/download-demo/)
All textures can be found in the maps subfolder (maybe you'll have to relink them if they are missing when opening the scene -> then simply browse the maps folder and hit OK). Another way to relink maps is to use the free script relink bitmaps from Colin Senner. (http://www.colinsenner.com/scripts/relink-bitmaps)
The model comes in the following formats: - max 2012 (+Corona materials) - max 2013 (+Corona materials) - max 2014 (+Corona materials) - max 2015 (+Corona materials) - obj (no materials)
(This means that obj may need some manual tweaking of the materials and assigning of textures to make it ready to render.)
I hope you'll enjoy this. For support contact me at km@arapps3d.de (scene setup / environment etc. from preview images not included)