20150513 : I can print the .stl's for people who do not own a printer. Price for plastics kit, including Wade's Geared Extruder : €37,50 (any color). Order by mail to stormychel@me.com . Shipping BE= €6,50 / EU= €13,05 / REST= €21,75.
20150430 : reduced number of screw holes on the MDF version, to avoid the risk of splitting it20150429 : shortened top support by 1mm, and replaced MDF version by specific 10mm-mdf version with a bottom plate, making this into a boxed frame!20150428 : added an improved version for wood (MDF, multiplex, ...) which should make the top part even more rigid.
I decided to build this printer, but was not so happy with the provided .cdr file as a guide for lasercutting, so I converted it to .dxf, and edited it so all the extra supports were included as well.After checking out the price for cutting this in Acrylic 10mm (around 230 euros), I decided to make version compatible with MDF 10 mm (other thicknesses will work, but you might need to reposition the mounting holes). Both versions are included, the difference for the MDF one is that screwing holes are provided at a regular interval, and the support has a wedge shape for better stability (the Acrylic might benefit from this too, of course). You should use 3mm x 35mm screws for this, be careful no tot split the supports, I would advice pre drilling them with a 2mm drill.
About glue : the MDF one needs a decent grade wood glue, for the Acrylic one use superglue or a specialised glue.
Both versions of the frame have not been tested yet (I am in the progress of building the thing), but are 100% accurate with the original design.
The official project page for this printer is here : http://www.instructables.com/id/Mega-Prusa-i3-Rework-8-x-Build-Volume/