awesome work!
A beautiful & detailed camera lens.
THE LENS IS RIGGED WITH XPRESSO CONTROL SLIDERS.Very easy to animate. You only have to move the sliders & record.Lens cover is included.
CLEAN TOPOLOGY.Number of quadrangles: 20 329 quadsNumber of triangles: only 10 trisNumber of Ngons: 0
Native format is C4D 13.
TEXTURE:• 603 x 360 px (50mm).• 2690 x 237px (aperture)• 463 x 463 px (front)• 4724 x 99 px (feet)• 267 x 83 px (line)• 4724 x 99 px (meters)
You can change easily resolution with hypernurbs.
No 3rd party plug-ins used.
Note for exported format users:
Format: OBJ - FBX - 3DS. 2 polygon resolutions are provided: Low & HighNo rigging for these formats.