This Digital AVO meters' dimensions are height 35 mm, length 180 mm and width 90 mm. It is robust and made from durable industry standard plastic. Each of the Probe leads is 700 mm long enough to do the job right. It was modelled using Blender 2.91. Rendered with Cycles X. It consists of 6 objects which are Meter, Dial, Battery Lid, Meter Stand, Cables and LCD Screen. The LCD Screen by default comes with the numbers 0000.0 displaying. This can be easily adjusted to only display a blank screen to simulate how it normally appears when the meter is OFF, by simply exchanging the diffuse texture Diffuse On with Diffuse Off and detaching the Emmission/ Glow texture. The Emmission/ Glow file is included to simulate the LCD Screen light when operational. The Dial can also be rotated on it's center to select any of the options. The angle between the 32 selections, ranging from 200 Mega Ohms to 2 milli Amperes, is exactly 11.25 degrees. It is ofcourse sub-dividable for a smoother look.
Texture files are PBR metallic/ Roughness workflow with Diffuse/ Base Color, Roughness, Metallic and Normal maps.. All the map sizes used are 2048 x 2048.All textures are in JPG format except for the metallic map which is in PNG format. The file formats available are FBX, OBJ, glTF and ofcourse Blender which is the native format.