Low poly ceramic capacitor model for educational, visualization and other purposes.Built with Maya 7, clean topology, no N-gons or triangles, quads only.UV mapped, unwrapping done with no overlapping, rendered with V-ray (ver. 1.5) renderer in 3ds Max, render scene included. Basic blinn materials with Layered Textures node in Maya file.Maya 7 (.ma, .mb), OBJ (.obj with .mtl), 3ds Max 2009 (.max) and Autodesk FBX (.fbx) format included.FBX and OBJ are directly exported from Maya.Polygons: 592 quads/ 1184 trianglesVertices: 598Textures included in capacitor_ceramic_textures.zip file:-1024×1024 pixels .jpg opacity (transparent) map for label, 3 versions-1024×1024 pixels .jpg diffuse (color) map, 3 versions - not used-1024×1024 pixels .psd working map - if you need to change label, color or make another texture (see thumbs).