Battery 3336 In the USSR in the 1950s-1960s, the battery had the trade name KBS (pocket dry battery), and later 3336 and Planet. Alkaline version of the gallet construction (similar to the Crohne-VC), which had a much larger capacity than 3336, but designed for small discharge currents, was also produced under the Rubin brand [2]. In common parlance, it was called a flat or square battery. There were summer and cold-resistant variants, they were designated KBS-L-0.5, 3.7-FMC-0.50, 3336L [3] and KBS-X-0.7 [4], 4,1- FMC-0.50, 3336X, respectively. There was also the designation KBS-T-0.5 [5]. The battery terminals were sealed with a paper control tape with the repeated inscription Not checking, do not tear!. They were used in pocket lanterns, some radio receivers (Atmosfera, Alpinist, Spidola, etc.), children's toys, avometers, etc.
The early batteries were assembled in a cardboard case, filled in from above (on the contact side) with tar, modern ones have a plastic case.
At one time, adapters were produced. They were a plastic casing of the size of the battery CBS (3R12), in which were installed three elements of the standard size R6 (316) or R10 (332). The adapter had two plate-like outputs, as well as the original KBC battery. [6] These adapters were manufactured in order to make up for the shortage of batteries in the KBC. In 3R12 dimensions, a 2SG-1.3 lead-acid battery with a voltage of 4 V and a capacity of 1.3 Ah was also produced.
Батарея 3336 В СССР в 1950-х - 1960-х годах KBS (карманная сухая батарея), а позднее 3336 и Planet. Алюминиевая версия конструкции галлетов (аналогичная Crohne-VC), которая была спроектирована так, чтобы соответствовать малым токам, была также изготовлена под маркой Rubin [2]. В общем, он назывался плоской или квадратной батареей. KBS-L-0,5, 3,7-FMC-0,50, 3336L [3] и KBS-X-0,7 [4], 4,1-FMC-0,50, 3336X соответственно. Было также обозначение KBS-T-0.5 [5]. Нет батареи, нет слез! Они использовались в карманных фонарях, некоторые радиоприемники (Атмосфера, Альпинист, Спидола и т. Д.), Детские игрушки, летчики и т. Д.
Батареи были собраны в картонной коробке.
В свое время были изготовлены адаптеры. Существует три элемента стандартного размера R6 (316) или R10 (332). Мне нравится оригинальная батарея KBC. [6] Эти адаптеры были изготовлены для KBC. В размерах 3R12 также производилась свинцово-кислотная батарея 2SG-1,3 с напряжением 4 В и емкостью 1,3 Ач.