3d model Zenbook 14X OLED Laptop designed and manufactured by Asus launched in 2022. Zenbook 13X OLED won the 2022 CES Innovation Award, a world-renowned design award. The new ScreenPad 12 upgrades the traditional laptop experience, adding an interactive secondary touchscreen that enhances the productivity with more possibilities. Its intuitive smartphone-like interface lets you easily manage tasks and create your own seamless multitasking workflow. Dimensions of the laptop: H 1.69 x L 31 x D 22 cm. The vray and corona file comes with materials in place ready to render it.
-High quality polygonal model, correctly scaled for an accurate representation of the original object.
-Models resolutions are optimized for polygon efficiency.
-All colors can be easily modified.
-Model is fully textured with all materials applied.
-3ds Max models are grouped for easy selection, and objects are logically named for ease of scene management.
-No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
-No cleaning up necessary just drop your models into the scene and start rendering.
-No special plugin needed to open scene.
-Model does not include the image in the background or any backgrounds or scenes used in preview images.
-Units: cm