Collection of 20 DVDs with some of the most popular video games for PC and PS4.
Real world scale (metric): 19cm x 13,5cm x 1,3cm
Stack of 10 PC games and 10 PS4 games (each dvd is separate object).
High quality realistic pbr textures. All labels in English.
Textures for Albedo(color), Roughness and Specular. Texture size 2048 x 2048 JPG format.
Clean quad based topology: 258 polys, 260 verts for each DVD mesh. 5 160 polys, 6 200 verts for all 20 DVDs.
Each mesh has properly Unwrapped UVs - Non-overlapping.
Each mesh and its textures are named accordingly.
Available formats:
Blend rar file contains blender scene with all the textures applied,
OBJ rar file contains 2 dvd stacks (10 pc and 10 ps4) as obj
FBX rar file contains 2 dvd stacks (10 pc and 10 ps4) as fbx
glTF rar file contains 2 dvd stacks (10 pc and 10 ps4) as glTF Embedded
DVD Games:Assasin's Creed Black Flag, Battlefield 3, Borderlands 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Dark souls 3, Destiny 2, Devil May Cry, Dishonored 2, Farcry 4, Injustice Gods Among Us, Just Cause 3, Mafia 2, Mass Effect 3, Need for Speed 2017, Quake 4, Sniper Elite V2, Street Fighter V, The Godfather 2, Watchdogs, Wolfenstein 2
Similar product: You can get Vol 1 here