product 3ds max was created. high quality presentation is made. Its poly structure is smooth. It has a pattern with a knitted net. does not need to be softened. all parts are modeled separately. It can be replaced comfortably. color and texture can be changed quickly. Colors come with the program. It is presented in the desired format
file formate Achrive, Obj, Fbx Mtl,zip,
Base Color / Metallic / Normal / (DirectX) / Roughnes / Height Diffuse / Glossiness / Specular / Normal (DirectX) 3ds Max; files have standard mat: spec/gloss Geometry:
Units: Centimeters Polygons: 3408 Vertex: 353408 Triangles: 0 Quads: 8280 Ngons: 0 Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0Some multi-standard sockets allow use of several types of plug; improvised or unapproved adaptors between incompatible sockets and plugs may not provide the full safety and performance of an approved socket–plug combination